Is the ParisSex Doll Brothel demeaning to women? Does it encourage rape? Or is it harmless fun?
I would rather have someone use a toy than to beat, rape and brutalize a human. I don't know if I am "right." Sometimes I feel as though I don't know a thing.
I agree, and I also know what you mean about feeling unsure of the "rightness" of your opinions! I often feel like I don't know nearly as much as many other people. Sometimes I feel like I'm taking a chance by putting my opinions out there -- but maybe that's true for all of us.
@MST3K On some things, it is true for all of us, or should be.Only egoism or religion breeds certainty in all things. sometimes there is no other way to be than at least somewhat unsure!
@phxbillcee I definitely agree. We seldom can be completely certain of anything, in my thinking. It's very easy to think we're right when we are wrong too. I know there have been countless times I've been wrong when I thought I was right
Tho for some that may be how they are used, is it not better ro have these "fantasies" acted out this way? & the very idea of any government legislating what consenting adults do is ludicrous! Sex laws, drug laws, literary laws, etc., tho it is sad that some may feel they have to find "solace" with either a doll or a sex worker rather than a genuine relationship the government should have no say if no one is harmed & all are adults, or not even alive!
I definitely agree that the government shouldn't try to legislate the sexual behavior of consenting adults. I'm not sure whether I agree that this sort of activity actually encourages rape or dehumanization of women.
I will admit that I don't understand why some people sell their bodies. But it is up to them. Consenting adults can do what they want. What I oppose is sex trafficking. Leave it up to consenting adults.
@SKH78 That is really one of, or should be, the main tenet for any law: consenting adults! Add any variation of the Golden Rule you want & most things are covered!