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Ending ones own life is an Inalienable right, true or false?

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CallMeDave 8 Oct 7

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Definitely true .The stupid bastards put great people like Dr. Kevorkian in jail for attempting to help people do this. The US is so Archaic when it comes to matters such as this.

Key word in the question is ending your "own" life, not somebody else's


The right we are talking about ends at our nose. We have the right to go out anytime we wish. It is not for someone else to judge as no one can get inside the mind of another. Having said this I wish the society we lived in was capable of showing some level of sympathy for those with a problem. Personally I want to live as long as I can, I want everyone to live as long as they can, but my control over someone else ends at my nose. I have absolutely no wish to be a burden on anyone, as soon as I can no longer communicate, hear, speak, reason, be anything other than a lump of flesh that some one else has to clean up after, I am done. Thak me out into the bay and dump my body into the water, hopefully I drown quickly, and let the crabs, fish and other critters I have been watching for the past years dine on me. I do not want to go before my time but when it arrives I welcome it. I am matter and energy, the trip may go to another form, it may go to the food some creature eats. Personally I will not care I will have no care or concern, let it happen ans it will happen to all. None of us get out of here alive.


No person, no government, should have the right to force you to go on living if you have found life to be unbearable. And, I don't think it should just apply to those who have terminal diseases. That said, I think we should do all we can to help those who are suicidal due to mental illness or other non life-ending factors.

My mother has dementia and when she was in her right mind said how she would not want to live that way. We should be able to have an advanced directive that sets the parameters for when we want to end our own lives should we become mentally incapacitated and can no longer make that decision with a "sound mind."

It needs to be that person's choice unless they are in a vegetative state with no hope of recovery, then the decision would fall to family or to doctors (and it should be at least three doctors who make that decision).


Can’t think why not other than if I had a Killswitch I may have hit it a few times in my life and I’m glad I didn’t


In case of terminal illness and not depression

As a lifelong sufferer of manic depression (or bi polar disorder as I am now informed I should refer to my condition) I feel I have the right to say fuck you and your opinions on what a person suffering depression should or should not be allowed to do, "No offense"

@LenHazell53 that is treatable though hopelessness is a symptom and the desire to end it. That is understandable but since medical agreement is necessary and should be only terminal illness is considered anything else is a violation of Hippocratic oath. Sorry I do understand but throwing away a future is hard to do, no offence . Would rather you get treated and have a chance of happiness


Sadly, it should be... along with access to unlimited mental health care, acceptance of gender fluidity, and safely exercising sexual preferences with consenting adults of one's choice. In a perfect world...

Deb57 Level 8 Oct 8, 2019

Oh hell, this one I have no answer for....

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