15 7

Has anyone purchased a copy of A Day in the life of Marlon Bundo?

It's great smack in the face to pence.
And a great support to for human rights. A win win.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Presents a Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo []

4EvanSake 6 Mar 21

Enjoy being online again!

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Percy and I approve.


I ordered it on Amazon, but I'll have to wait for the second printing. Currently, it's out.


No, but I definitely will very soon.


I put in a request for my local library to purchase it.


Seriously considering it.


I wanted to! I went to the non-Amazon site, but they were sold out! 😟


Well now I will


I saw the promotion on "Last Week Tonight". It looks funny, I like how it portrayed pence as the antagonist.


Oliver's great ... the whole Pence bit was hilarious! This book would seem to be an ideal gift for the child of parents who happen to be sanctimoniously up-tight Christians.


Yes. I posted on here a link yesterday. It felt great to buy 20 bucks I ever spent.


It's not listed in the Kindle Store.

It's available on Amazon as a Kindle ebook. I just checked.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Presents a Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo []

@4EvanSake Thanks! It wasn't there yesterday, and I did several searches. Still, the price for such a short story is more than I want to pay, so I'll get it from the library when I get back to the US.


I will be.


No, but I've been tempted to on principle alone.


Not yet, but I'm definitely going to. I love John Oliver and think this was brilliant.


Not yet. My brother-in-law tried to, but wasn't able for some reason. Did you buy it?

I'm getting it through the library

@4EvanSake cool, I'll have to check that out.

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