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Can Trump be removed from office by following the rules?

Trump clearly isn't intrested in following the laws, and makes decisions based on the consequences of breaking the laws. Can the dems actually remove Trump while playing by the rules, or will they also have to work outside the laws to remove him from office?

ScubaWags 7 Oct 8

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Trump still has enough loyal GOP senators to stop impeachment. The possibility is that enough abuse can be unearthed to flip those loyalists. However, the GOP have already shown willingness to disregard the abuses so far, so probably worse actions are needed. His numerous actions on Putin's behalf certainly show a significant likelihood that he is, indeed, a Putin asset. Proving it could happen, and that would be worse. But for the GOP, would it be worse enough? The GOP are really, themselves, traitors for even considering Trump to be qualified.(In the sense that the GOP would elect a Trump to achieve their own personal goals, and thus placing self ahead of the country).


They’ll have to start enforcing the rules, but as so many are pussies ..don’t hold your breath 😕

Varn Level 8 Oct 8, 2019


My follow-up question was going to be "will the dems have to stop playing by the rules too?" But I'm afraid that you're correct, they are too big of pussys to even try to enforce the The laws.

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