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Do you want to know whether there is or was a god

And if you do would you prefer that there was/is a god or not?
And, If you prefer that there was/is a god, wuld you prefer that it be an entity or merely a phenomina that created the universe. thank you

Nothing 3 Mar 22

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I already know, based on what I've seen and from the lack of evidence, so my preferences, not that there are any, are irrelevant.


Define what you mean by a 'god'

Do you mean an entity that created everything? If so, you are delusional.

If you mean is there a more intelligent life somewhere out there, then, probably, yes.

Other than that, there are no gods.


If there is, she could show herself any time she likes. But she never has...


I don't think that is something that can, or will, ever be known. If there is a god being that wants us to know it exists, it has certainly done a poor job of showing itself. And, if there is a god being/force that is simply beyond our ability to detect it, why should it matter if we know it is there, or not? I believed there was a specific god into my early 30's and then thought there was some generic god for about ten years. Now, I do not believe there is any kind of god nor do I feel a need for there to be one--especially one that concerns itself with human affairs.


You must be joking. Wrong site mate.

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