10 9

Trump vows to put a man on the moon. Someone should introduce him to Buzz Aldrin.

And he's going to "end socialism," he promises supporters in Louisiana.

Twitter wits were flying high.

"Defeat socialism
We'll I guess that means no more bail out money 4 farmers."

"Conservatives are so conservative they've transported back to 1963."


LiterateHiker 9 Oct 12

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He'll be after owning the cheese mining rights.


He wants a hotel there with his name on it that can be seen from Earth.


Let’s hope he takes a one way trip himself.

Put a genuine person in the White House first. That would be an achievement!


If Trump puts a man on the moon he would likely be sent the wrong way.

Then he will not have made it to the moon.


Maybe we could put him on the moon, with a one way ticket.


the next 10 years in human history is going to be very interesting if we survive


How much were they paid to cheer?

Rumor has it that the ones up close to Trump in the rallies were found and paid to cheer. Notice that further back in the crowd you have mostly sign carriers and cap wearing people who only smile.

Are you looking for a side gig?

@CallMeDave depends on how much they are paying 🙂

I hear that the going rate is $50.00. Watch what is going on behind him as people are traded out for better positioning.


"The crowd in Lake Charles roared" Are his supporters so dumb that they stand in water to listen to him ?

They’d probably stand in shit and still cheer him!


I know I would love to see Crazy Buzz tear Trump a new asshole should they meet. Actually I think they have met once since Dotardo Lardo became president but I'm sure Buzz was probably sedated.


Just a reminder...if any was needed, he is your “commander in chief“... and “the leader of the free world”! This man is a living dystopian nightmare that even Margaret Atwood couldn’t have dreamt up!

your right

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