This is beyond... way beyond hypocrisy!!
Joseph McCarthy stopped when a fellow congressman asked him if he had no decency. If anyone asked this presidency the same thing, this president would acuse of indecency the person asking the question. How low is going to get the office and standing of the presidency of the U.S. Does anyone remembers when the president of the U.S. commanded respect and even admiration?
We have a great governor here in Pennsylvania who owned, sold and then rebought his business in order to rehire his employees fired when the work got sent to China. I mentioned that to a rethug and how very pro American that was - to which the reply was "he made money." Dems making money is dirty, even when it is done well; meanwhile, republicans can rape and pillage.
Criminal nepotism should be article of impeachment.
The Trumps are corrupt grifters who were handed a global candy store of opportunities.