Okay! This is my for fun question for anyone but directed about the guys here. As a guy I love to cook. Started when I was barely schoolage and eventually started testing the waters with different flavors and different mixes. I’ve never really found much that I won’t try as far as cooking. Although it’s getting more difficult as of late with medical issues. But nonetheless I kid others that I don’t need a wife cause I can already cook. That’s a joke of course.
Wondering what others thoughts are on the subject.
I try to avoid cooked food, when possible, and processed food, since it destroys nutrients. The more I eat cooked food, the more congested and miserable I feel, and my heart starts skipping and flopping around.
Someone being a "good cook" means nothing to me, although most people seem to like it.
I think everyone should know how to cook. For self-sufficiency if nothing else.
Knowing how to cook and enjoying it is definitely a good thing. I can make a few things well, but it would be a stretch to say I'm truly a good or accomplished cook. And, despite your joke about not needing a woman because you can already cook, many women like a guy who can cook — so it works in your favor in reverse.
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You can cook? Wonderful.I hope you enjoy doing it ,too, because you'll be asked a lot.