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Is it bad that I can cook?

Okay! This is my for fun question for anyone but directed about the guys here. As a guy I love to cook. Started when I was barely schoolage and eventually started testing the waters with different flavors and different mixes. I’ve never really found much that I won’t try as far as cooking. Although it’s getting more difficult as of late with medical issues. But nonetheless I kid others that I don’t need a wife cause I can already cook. That’s a joke of course.

Wondering what others thoughts are on the subject.

ChrisJones 6 Mar 22

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32 comments (26 - 32)

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I try to avoid cooked food, when possible, and processed food, since it destroys nutrients. The more I eat cooked food, the more congested and miserable I feel, and my heart starts skipping and flopping around.

Someone being a "good cook" means nothing to me, although most people seem to like it.


I think everyone should know how to cook. For self-sufficiency if nothing else.


Knowing how to cook and enjoying it is definitely a good thing. I can make a few things well, but it would be a stretch to say I'm truly a good or accomplished cook. And, despite your joke about not needing a woman because you can already cook, many women like a guy who can cook — so it works in your favor in reverse.


Cooking\prepping your own food is healthy living. Let food be your medicine. Some guys are so lazy with cooking, all they know is microwaving, fast food, and restaurants.


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You can cook? Wonderful.I hope you enjoy doing it ,too, because you'll be asked a lot.

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