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Green Potatoes for Six

This is a simple recipe, most enthusiastically received by the children.

6 medium baking potatoes

3 stalks broccoli (I use 1 small bunch of broccoli with crowns and stems)

ΒΌ cup milk

1/4-1/2 cup grated cheese

2 tablespoons butter

1/2 teaspoon salt (or less)

ΒΌ teaspoon pepper

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper or foil.

Scrub potatoes. Butter skins and make shallow slits around the middle as if you were cutting the potatoes in half lengthwise.

Bake until done, 45 to 60 minutes, depending on size.

Peel broccoli stems. Steam whole stalks until just tender and chop fine.

Carefully slice the potatoes in half (the slit makes it easier) and scoop the insides into a bowl with the broccoli. Add the cheese and the butter, salt, pepper and milk.

Mash all together until the mixture is pale green with dark green flecks. Heap into the potato jackets and sprinkle with remaining cheese.

Return to the oven to heat through (about 15 minutes.)
Serves 6.

LiterateHiker 9 Oct 25

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When I saw the picture with the green potatoes, I was initially horrified that you were eating these unhealthy green-spotted potatoes. But I'm glad you're not. By the way, I want to say that it's very interesting to see how the color of a dish changes depending on the seasoning you add to it. I like to add turmeric or spicy curry to green dishes, so it turns yellow. Also, I like to add chopped dried ginger to sweet dishes to give them an interesting flavor. And my secret to delicious Asian noodles is one teaspoon of sugar in a garlic soy sauce topping! Trust me, it's delicious. Do you use dry spices like cinnamon or cloves when cooking? Something like this ? I love the taste and smell of cinnamon, but rarely does anyone do that.


It sounds scrumptious, but I'm allergic to milk, and cheese is not on my vegan diet.😟

Try Trader Joe's shredded almond cheese.


My vegan friends make substitutions. There's vegan "milk" and "cheese."

@LiterateHiker @EdEarl And if you haven't tried it, Califia Almond Milk is delicious! I don't miss cow's milk at all.


I know.


Wouldn't six halved potatoes mean 12 servings??


Exactly. They heat up beautifully in the microwave. While driving, my friend heated a green potato with the car heating vent on the dashboard.

"I couldn't wait," she said. "It was delicious."


Great combo! Now with a bit of cumin, dash of cayenne, I'm happy.


You lost me at "broccoli", don't eat vegetables named after gladiators... a joke. Enjoy Good Healthy Eatin'.

I used to make a similar recipe using carrots instead of broccoli


Great idea, I’ve been making a lot of baked/restuffed potatoes and potato skins lately, and craving some broccoli cheese casserole. Why not both? πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ 😁


My first thought was, "Is this a Dr Seuss poem?"



Looks great! I'd eat that until I had a tater baby.


Now that I can get vegan cheese it looks worth the try. Thanks.


Can you just skip the broccoli and double up on the cheese?
Asking for a friend.


Sure. Do what you want. These are considered twice-baked potatoes.

Broccoli is called a super-food because it protects us from cancer.

Alas, I don't like brassica vegetables much. Green Potatoes are a great way to get broccoli into me.

@LiterateHiker Thanks! My friend really doesn't like vegetables.

@KKGator Aren't potatoes vegetables?

@JackPedigo Ssshhh. Don't tell her that.


That looks good!


Looks yummy thanks!


Thanks for the delicious recipe


Nice, healthy change up...... thanks

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