I love the answers James Lipton gets on "Inside the Actor's Studio" when he asks celebrities this question. For example, Robin William's explanation of why he loved the word "pussy" was hilarious. My own favorite word for a long time was 'fuck' because it is certainly the most versatile word, but lately I find myself using the word "jackass" an awful lot, especially when talking or writing about politics or religion I like that it implies both dumbfuckery AND stubbornness. What is your favorite word, curse or otherwise, in English?
My latest: "Oogy wawa". Okay, it's a phrase. Okay, it isn't English. It's Zulu for "Cheers!".
That, or any expletive. "Fuck" and "shit" work well for me. If and when I let my I.Q. rise above double digits, it's "logic".
Oh - oh - here's another one: "Puhhh-lease!".
Right now? Since I'm reading the book called " depraved english" collywobbles is my new favorite word