New group on for those with or affected by autism (In all its forms)
I have a 38 year old daughter who wasn't diagnosed until she was about 4. We knew somthing was up when the nurse brought her to us and said, "You have a different one here!" She was finally homeschooled and now lives with her mother in NC. Very smart and can not be around people.
A very common situation, academically bright but socially awkward as my aspie daughter puts it. My daughter also got a diagnosis at 4 which in her case helped with getting some coping strategies entrenched very early
FIRST!!! Since that apparently counts for something, if YouTube comment sections are anything to go by
Being serious for a moment, this group is a very good idea, since research has shown that Aspies and Auties are more likley to be non-belivers than the general population. I suspect there are probbably a few on here.
I have considerable experiance on the subject, since it runs in the family, and my daughter, step daughter and possibly my step-son are on the spectrum. We have been through the mill with education authorities vis-Ã -vis statements / EHCPs etc. Anyone want any pointers feel free to get in touch.
Thx Nomad, as you rightly point out autism related issues in the UK are a bloody nightmare. My eldest daughter is an aspie, I'm fairly sure my ex was too and she thought so as well and I work with adults on the spectrum in relation to employment support, another nightmare!!!!
I'm obviously hoping to get some takers but also appreciate it may take some time for people to feel comfortable enough to start commenting, with people like yourself here I'm hoping it will act as not just a forum for those on the spectrum to know they're not alone but also as a support group for anybody associated with it.
I'm loathed to use a bit of slang here but I may just get away with it, fingers crossed