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The cyclist who gave Trump the finger ran for office. She won.

Love it!

The woman who lost her job after displaying her middle finger at President Donald Trump's motorcade in 2017 has won a seat on a county board of supervisors in Virginia.

She told her bosses what happened after the photo went viral and was asked to leave her government contracting job or face termination. She sued and won a severance claim, but her wrongful-termination lawsuit was dismissed.


LiterateHiker 9 Nov 6

Enjoy being online again!

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Juli Briskman’s district includes a certain golf course owned by a certain president.

“Isn’t that sweet justice?” she asked, her cackle suggesting that she knew the answer to her own question.



Love that she did this.

Love that she gave tRump the Bird, too!


Glad she won about time progress is being made


Good for her. Proud she stood up and even more that she did something that will make some major contributions

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