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Californians Use Afternoon Drive Time to Taunt Trumplethinskin

Love the names for Marmalade Mussolini -

Prima Donald

Putin's Bitch

The Lyin’ King

Pudgy McTrumpcake


LiterateHiker 9 Nov 9

Enjoy being online again!

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Making good use of their resources and time with no cost mass messaging


If L.A. traffic wasn't so serious, this would jump from funny to hilarious.


Did you mean "If L.A. traffic wasn't so serious" ?

"Trafficking" means "to trade or deal in a specific commodity or service, often illegal in nature."

@LiterateHiker yes, you replied before I could correct the autocorrect.


I just assumed that it was nationwide, there are pro religious banners up as well.


Love it should do it here

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