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And yet these same folks the republicans screw over will still vote for them anyway. By and large there is a very significant number of of Americans who are not very bright.

Sad isn't it

@bobwjr Yes it is.


BASTARDS! I wish every media outlet in the nation would show this. But...will they? Nooooooo.

Me too they are beyond contempt, especially with limp glad hand thank you for your service, Bullshit

This would piss off my mom. She has no use for the VA, which has constantly shut her out, apparently because she's a woman.

@bingst I'm sorry--that's despicable!

@LucyLoohoo There is also a lot of bias against non-combat vets, both when it comes to actual benefits eligibility, as well as a kind of off-the-record cold shoulder. And yet more regarding active duty service and reserve service (most of her time was in the reserves).

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