Why evangelicals stick with trump.
Today the generic newsfeed I receive included several articles about trump's propensity for saying one thing one day and doing something else the next, and making promises which he does not keep. There were also several articles having to do with his more well-known extramarital affairs.
On that same newsfeed, there was a "Washington Post" Op-Ed titled "Why conservative christians stick with trump." Here are a couple of lines from that editorial:
" But Trump has shown one moral quality as president that deserves admiration: He keeps his promises."
"Christian conservatives are judging Trump not by his faith, but by his works. And when it comes to life and liberty, his works are good."
Trump and his evangelical supporters have brought the word "hypocrisy" into my daily vocabulary. Their accumulation of alternative facts has resulted in their own alternative reality.
How can any American continue to support this mean-spirited, tyrannical, half-witted, hypocritical liar despite being bombarded daily with multiple examples?