A satirical Pastafarian church where nonbelievers can fellowship and do more good shit for their local communities.
"SATAN! Because without a scapegoat you might have to take personal responsibility for your actions." Well said.
Welcome to the asylum. Enjoy your stay.
I'm not about to participate in any "church".
I have an aversion to that word.
@OldMetalHead I spend very little time on fb, and don't belong to any groups.
@KKGator Me too. I gave it up a year or two ago.
@rogueflyer Mostly, I just use it to stay connected to certain friends and family. I like seeing the pics of the little ones.
I also occasionally find decent memes.
@KKGator I'm active in our local Free Thinkers group. Probably doesn't qualify as a church. We're rational. We mostly discuss science, current discoveries, the history of Free Thought, and church and state. Dec 7 I'll present on Renewables, Storage and the Grid.