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How do you feel about the word "Heathen"?

Heathen - a person who does not belong to a widely held religion (especially one who is not a Christian, Jew, or Muslim) as regarded by those who do.

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BabyBlues420 5 Nov 19

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Mom used to call us boys heathen savages when we would come home from swimming and not put a shirt on when we got home. I miss that sometimes


I like it because its the way they say it that means they are cool with you and how you come - 'Yer wee heathen yer!' (N.Ireland)


I proudly and loudly describe myself as a heretic, I was raised as a christian, but rejected it.


I am not much for tags, titles and labels because I will end up having way too many... that will be One More in the pile of being ME!


Aww if you can't handle the word, you need to grow a sense of humor for sure! Don't get all butt bent over a little ol word like heathen 🙂


I usually associate the term more so with polytheists than atheists . I especially think of devotees of Odin as being Heathens .


It's a fun word just like Satan


It's like having a cool nickname. 😉


I call myself a heathen and see it as a good joke. For the word is archaic and lost its meaning.

mzee Level 7 Nov 19, 2017

i live in the country in a field so I guess I am qualified to be called same


a gluttonous heathen. gimme gimme your......


I AM a Heathen!! I love the holidays, they belong to all of us! Ever since I became an atheist, whenever asked I say that I am a heathen.


I think your choices are too limited.
Calling someone who isn’t Christian, Jewish or Islamic heathen isn’t what they intend or is just simply ignorant. Heathen refers to the people of the heath-common people; the folk. The term has a similar meaning to pagans. So the implication is that they follow a folk religion. If someone calls you heathen, educate them.


Hmmm... its just a word with a meaning. Im also fat. Im also old. Im also retired. Im also cheap. I could go on and on.


"Heathen" arose entirely as a derogatory term and has not changed. All words which bigots think they can use as weapons should be expunged from civil discourse.

that would be all words


I feel very proud when some one calls me a heathen.


A heathen is anyone who is not a Muslim, Jew or Christian.
It is a pretty broad term covering every other religion and the non believers.

I have no particular feelings about it at all.

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