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Dating question

This question is guided mostly to women, what's your opinion of a 30 year old man who never really dated before? Would you be cautious or comfortable or would you see this as a positive attribute ie no baggage?

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Rafat89 2 Nov 15

Enjoy being online again!

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I’ve talked to a couple of men who have either never had sex, or never had a ‘real’ relationship(they defined this as nothing steady or lasting more than a few months). I did not go out with them either, due to many red flags.
I’m older than you, and they were around my age at the time, which was 55+/- .
Red flags for me included emotional and mental health issues serious enough that they had been hospitalized for long periods of time, were unable to support themselves, drive, and/or live alone. Never having established an intimate relationship for a long enough time to form attachments, and have sex sends up a red flag in men my age, though in younger people, it might be cultural.
I’d say, write a profile that’s as honest as possible and go from there. Good luck!


Good luck. I'd think women would be interested in why you haven't dated before. However, what is more important is who you are now. It takes time for people to know a person. Post, comment and reply here, flirt nicely, and learn about the women here, which will take time. Although, you can visit pages of people and learn about others faster than creating a presence for yourself.

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