Watching this protest on tv reminded me of some of the histories that the tea toddlers were bantering at the start of prohibition. Back then the government tried to control one of our basic human rights. So again in the history, we are living history and people are trying to step on others basic human right to protect your self and your family. Last time the government interfered alcohol was even easier to get. My question is knowing how inventive American people can do you think taking firearms away is going to solve the problem? I think with your eyes wide shut thinking this through, would be a wise choice. Because if you are looking at this issue with tunnel vision it could come back and bite us all in the ass.
I was at the protest in Manhattan and I fully support the efforts of these smart and motivated young people to finally bring some common sense gun reform to our country. If it were up to me and I could wave a magic wand, I WOULD take away all guns except for hunting only (and that means one shotgun, one rifle with no magazines at all). I know it will never happen in the US but that would be my dream, personally. In the real world, NO ONE is trying to take guns away from Americans. We just want the same reasonable restrictions placed on guns that are placed on our cars (or women's bodies).
azzow2, please try to use punctuation and proper spelling in your posts. I know I will come off as a snob but I found your posts almost impossible to read.
My editor tells me the same thing lol
I really don't think that is the goal.
Gun control doesn't mean gun confiscation. Had measures been takin the first time a school was shot up and CHILDREN were killed this would not be that big of an issue today.
Furthermore I don't see why anyone needs a military grade weapon for home defence. I seriously don't think these type of weapon belongs in just anyone's hands. That's the issue we are facing that needs to be dealt with.
They are not taking logical control the issues are being forced on emotional protocols.