I am a 50 yrs woman , in a good space ,work , relationship wise ... I would like to meet my biological father . I know where he works ( about 1hr drive from me )
I would like some suggestions as how this can be achieved . I’ve meet both mother over 20 yrs ago ... still have occasional contact ( she hasn’t let go of guilt ) makes moving on between her and I impossible. I accept who she is and where she is at in life . There is my health issues which if I knew his family history it would help a lot .
Please ask yourself if this meeting is about only your needs and feelings or can it be about those of your biological father. Set any fantasy aside and approach him as one adult to another in search of info rather than connection. And let the meeting run it’s co. Good luck!
Very important perspective, my health issues are important. Not life threatening, but would be helpful moving forward
In the UK there are agencies who can make the first contact to see if the other person is receptive and/or interested. Is there anything like that in Australia?
We do but the birth parent has to put their name on quest to be notified , that’s how I met my mother 32 yrs ago ...