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Can a person be so well learned, trained and practiced in their grammer that they can only think grammatically correct?

Grammer police Jurisdiction and psychology.

I do not think or speak in exact written structured form like highly technical writings.

Sometimes I contemplate the thoughts of people online that act like grammar police, even in what I would consider more so informal communications platforms, such as this writ.

Can a person become so mentally structured that they cannot comprehend even a vague ideal of an ideal in writting that is out of perfect grammatical structure? I would think not because all of my grade school English teachers could still understand what I was writing about even though my grammer was not good.

  1. I do not try to hate on grammer police, but I can find them, could I say, non-conversational, in an informal textual context.

  2. I have a minor genetic eye disease that gets worse with age, but it started causing me flustrations with words at a young age.

I can highly appreciation technical writings or well perfectly articulated writings in situtations where they should very much be policed by grammar police. I have education and work experience in legal studies and legal related field.

I have bad grammer days and worse grammer days in my times of informal online text chatting.

I hate to call grammar police stupid because i do understand the highly intellectual organization of thoughts required to have good grammer, but when "attacked" by such for my writings be "unintelligible" to them because of some grammatical errors and their inability to ask a simple question for clarification in conversation, it really makes me wonder if these grammer police are only smark in grammer and can only understand perfect gramner and way to stupid to understand general ideals being passed if the text is out of gramnatical format. Its like can someone become so technically smart that it makes them stupid?

Word 8 Nov 21

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Did you mean to say, “...that they can think only grammatically correctly? 🙂

Yes, something like that.

@blahblah You write very well in general, and the occasional mistake is not glaringly noticeable. If you want it better though, consider getting a grammar book, or maybe take an online course.

@WilliamFleming my occasional errors here is thumb typing with out revisions in part for time constraints to not be focused on looking at phone and text constantly with blurry vision. Otherwise, 4.0 GPA in college English when I was in front of computer to do revision or take breaks to let my eyes rest. Some days better than others. Sometimes read for an hour with little problems. Other days when more tired, vision could be blurry in 10 minutes of reading and get flusterating

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