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Suspending Disbelief for Boobs?

I was dating a very attractive young woman who had just bought new boobies back before the world ended in y2k. She was a Catholic, and heavily involved with the pro-life movement. She was very disappointed in me for not joining their Crusade to punish women who've had an abortion. Passover is a Celebration of God killing Egyptian kids, andGod killed all the kids on earth except Noah's always made her pray for my soul. When we were arguing the ridiculousness of the entire "Right to Life Movement" She had gone paddling with me on the Nantahala river. We had stopped on the way home at a favorite spot of mine. to watch the sun set and moon rise. She started trying to convert me once we were snuggled up under a blanket on the side of a mountain with North Georgia and South east Tennessee displayed before us. She said Looking out on this view "Aren't you just awed at God's glory?" I looked at her brand new Boobies and before I weighted the Consequences I said "See that Ridge way over in the distance" and pointed with my finger at nothing in particular. while saying a private goodbye to her boobies. She said "yes". and with one parting glance at them I said if we were were sitting on that Ridge and looking back this way ' Would you be awed by Dog's glory" It was a long quite drive home after that And that was our last time spent together Should I have given up my disbelief to get a shot at unwrapping those boobies right from the store or did I do the right thing and not cave in. To my more baser instincts

Stevil 8 Nov 19

Enjoy being online again!

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To thine own self be true. I'd never advocate lying to get laid, and for a long-term relationship lies are no basis.


You should have gone for it you heathen. LMAO


Did she not realize that her body was created in God's image and that it also is a temple of God. How could she possibly stoop so low as to desecrate such a holy place by allowing someone to remodel it?

Personally, I''m a small boob man. Remember the old saying, anything more than mouthful or a handful is a waste.


There are a great many pair of great boobs in the world, and you don’t have to give up your sense of integrity to enjoy their presence. I think you made the right choice.

I like Joe Walsh, but no, I’ve never heard that song.


do you mean should you have lied about your beliefs to get laid?



Man does not live by boobs alone ... but they help. 😉


only in america


I think you could have had the boobs and not suspended disbelief.
"I'd really like to believe, but I'm just not sure" might have worked instead.

Being a man, in the long run I think we men all regret making the right decision instead of having sex. Noble, yes. But when you're on your deathbed, you won't be feeling those warm fuzzies of nobility ... you'll be feeling the boner of regret.


I lived in Franklin, North Carolina for 2 years. I'm very familiar with the nantahala and the view (of the mountains and boobies, having a pair of them myself), and i think you did the best thing. Especially from someone trying to convert you. They either accept or we reject. And i don't mean they have to believe what we believe, but they have to accept us for who we are, Not what they want us to become!


You are a bad person, I recommend self flagellation.


Perhaps there are situations when it doesn't pay to be honest.


So, the rational and ethical, wins out over the carnal and emotional. It's easy to see how it looks like a happy ending when it involves somebody else. Kudos for doing the right thing when it matters most.


You could have, but it would have been a creep move. Not saying you go get into fistfights with preachers, but you should be proud of yourself for standing by your beliefs.


paying lip service to her faith would've only delayed the inevitable reckoning because there was little chance that you were gonna genuinely come around to her way of believing.

Yeah! Her faith? That's not what a girl with fake boobs wants you to pay lip service to. 😛

it sounded like a honeypot to me. One of those God botherers who try to use sex to lure in more sheep to the flock.


Always cave in to your primitive desires, after all our greater purpose is to the protection of the species.
Talk later, and YES I've been stupid also!


It isn't "either or," there are plenty of Atheists with breast implants.


a man's pride is worth more than boobies my friend. the very fact that you were more concerned about what was attached to her chest than what was inside it speaks volumes. you made the right choice bruh. keep 'em comin!


beware of the "flirt to convert" tactic... and the more general "befriend and covertly exert social pressure/incentives" means of conversion. these guys have an agenda


You're joking, right?


Breasts are temporary.
Being with someone who categorically is opposed to your values hurts forever

Mabes Level 2 Nov 20, 2017

LMAO. I feel for you and can fully empathize having done something similar in my past. You made the right decision. Boobies are great but not so great that you have to give up your beliefs. There are plenty more boobies that are natural that are probably more beautiful. Enjoy.

SamL Level 7 Nov 20, 2017
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