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Did anyone participate in the March for Our Lives yesterday? I was in Fort Worth! It was so powerful!

Labicicleta 4 Mar 25

Enjoy being online again!

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Columbus OH pics on my Gun Control Now group on FB


We marched in Jupiter, FL. Amazed that such a small town had around 600 march!


I could not but my family did and stated it was just fantastic. Let us hope that this election will bring some sense.( gun owner.)


We were not able to go. I'm sad we missed it. I think it really would have been a life changing experience for my 14 year old twins. We live in a tiny, rural, conservative area. Our values are often the most popular ones. They have never been involved in something so large and important. :-/


Sorry, no. I live in Colorado.


I was a ACLU legal observer at the March in Melbourne, FL. Yes very powerful and gives me hope for the future.

BillF Level 7 Mar 26, 2018

I would have if I could have.


I was at the Fort Worth March too. It was powerful. The speakers were great and the turnout was awesome.

Go girl!!! I’m sorry I missed you!!!


I made it to the Phoenix iteration. Fairly big protest for here.


How did I miss that?

It was pretty big!


We could not find a way to make it to the march held in our city, so we donated money to Gabby Giffords' PAC that day instead.


A little, I enoyed it. Remember to register and vote against the bastards come nov.

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