Cincinnati, OH -- Apparently he was trying to make a 'Quantum Physics Generator'. Lol. I wonder if was trying to tap into the 'Electric Universe'.
Ha, ha.
The man told bomb squad, arson fire investigators and medics on scene that he sustained “radio frequency burns” while working on a “quantum physics generator” in his garage.
So, basically he built a battery without any electrolyte.
And then burned himself trying to charge it? Ha, ha, I guess.
When I was in high school many many years ago we had an 'electronics'(insert grain of salt here) class where one of the things we would play with was that kids would bring in broken stuff and we'd try to guess what was wrong with it.
One guy brought in a dead portable radio that even smelled a little smokey.
The power adapter connector was shaped like a 9V battery and we idly speculated that the adapter could have been the original problem.
While we were playing around, we happened to plug the adapter in and another kid snatched it up, said 'I'll test it', and touched the connector to his tongue like a battery. There was a blue flash in his mouth and he fainted dead away.
We later measured it at 20V with line current behind it.
And we were all greatly relieved when he woke up again.
Too many people think they know far more than they do. The Dunning-Kruger Effect has got to be one of the most common forces in our world today.
@RichCC That was probably a half amp unit. Painful. I was an Electronic Tech for twenty six years. I saw some stupid stuff by the public and sometimes new techs.
I saw a kid in High school electronics plug a 12v capacitor into a wall socket. It blew up and left a stain all the way up the wall from the outlet. I can't figure to this day why the teacher didn't notice it.
@RichCC Also worked at the Lockheed Naval shipyard in Seattle. We were asked to pull a six inch diameter cable through a compartment and cut it into the breaker box.
One of the electricians was cutting it with a hacksaw when he stopped and asked," is this circuit dead for sure"? Another guy checked it and it was live. We went down to the ships main and it was red tagged and on the up or energized position. Someone almost died that day. That circuit was four hundred amps.
Another techie who worked in Seattle and never( ? ) worked for Boeing? Cool.
We lived in Bellevue for 10 years and I worked in Bellevue and on Mercer Island. But mine was all low power stuff -- automatic microscopes.
@RichCC I stayed away from Boeing. After a year I left the shipyards. Before I got killed.
When we got up there (to take care of my wife's mother) Boeing was down.
I saw the 'Will the last person leaving Seattle please turn off the lights?' billboard on I-90. Then I never happened to need them for a job.
@RichCC Yep. I got out of the Air Force in 78. In 73 things were really bad. That's why I didn't work at the lazy B.
@PondartIncbendog .
We were a tiny company that did a lot of high-end precision(sub-micron) motion equipment for cancer researchers and chip makers. In the process I met some of the people at B's high-tech center and heard a lot of design job horror stories -- whole departments being cut when they fell out of favor and so on.
I'm very glad I never had to get involved.
He's clearly Hank Pym.
A wannabe comic book superhuman? Lol.
What bothers me is that he threw so many woo-woo buzzwords around like 'particle accelerator' and 'alpha waves'(RichCC: brain waves?) that he scared the emergency responders into evacuating people from about 40 homes.
I saw elsewhere that he will probably be charged with 'inducing panic'.
I wonder how many people across the country are insane enough to call 911 because they suddenly think they've made a nasty mistake. If he'd been less of a nut job -- at least to the point of actually working on real stuff -- who knows how much much of a major city he could have poisoned -- chemically or biologically -- even if radioactive material was beyond him.
Sometimes I think freedom is overrated. Maybe there should be a license sort of like a driver's license to be allowed out in public.