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What is the most disturbing truth of life?

ThomasMeador 7 Nov 20

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That everyone has their face in a mobile device, everywhere, all the time. I do see the irony as I comment on my mobile device. Authentic eye to eye human contact is rarer than unicorn farts these days.

Bebel Level 4 Nov 20, 2017

We can "tune out" Duality when we understand the principle of Functionality... but we can't "tune in" differentials to achieve the state of neutralization... this sucks the hell out of my recent self.


The fact that nowadays people are becoming less individualistic. They want to fit in, be like everyone's, say the same things, read the same news, talk about the same topics, etc.

Everywhere you look, there are less people who can hold a sophisticated conversation. I saw it in schools and at university. people have lost part of who they could be.

Why are we scared of individuality. We as a society claim to encourage individuality however when someone is different, they are alienated from society. Some people are strong enough to stand on their own, however many others are not and they sometimes take their lives.

Anyway this doesn't really matter, live and let live, live and let die. As long as you're alive at the end, that's all that matters.


That our brains evolved to such a degree that we gained this ability to recognize ourselves for being individual. It happens around 8 year of age maybe, when we see ourselves as separate from our mother and we can look up and wonder why are we here, where did we come from. There is a positive and negative side to everything and as wonderous as our brains are, the pennacle of evolution, as far as we can know, gives us the other side; to realize there is nothing else. We were just in the right place at the right time and we are really finite and alone.


There is no purpose outside ourselves.

gearl Level 8 Nov 20, 2017



That life is about pain. Humor is the antidote but pain is constant and unavoidable.


that no matter what you do,time eventually erases all traces of your existence


We are unbelievably, undeniably cruel to each other and the animal kingdom.

SamL Level 7 Nov 20, 2017

We are utterly alone ..when we die..


YOLO. No I think that we only live once is beautiful.


That everyone you pass on the street is a complete person with a full life and history.
Everyone in line in front or behind you in every shop had parents.
Every person serving each of those people has a childhood and a first kiss.
Every car going the opposite way down the road is driven by a person who has dreams and disappointments.

Allan Level 5 Nov 20, 2017

#1. Nursing homes exists.

  1. Bad things happen.

  2. High school graduation is not the end.

  3. Someday, sex want be such a big deal.


That trump is in charge


I'm not sure I think any truth is disturbing. Pain is certainly unpleasant, so maybe that reality could be considered disturbing.



And the ending that it is.

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