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Are you a Night Owl or an Early Bird?

I'm an Early Bird. 🙂

LilAtheistLady 7 Mar 26

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29 comments (26 - 29)

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I tend to get up early but I love staying up late for a good rock show or to be outside looking at stars wondering... "How do I get off of this thing?"


OK I go to bed about midnight and wake about 7 every morning. even when I am not working. What does that make me? A Night-Early bird?


Both. 6 hours of sleep is normal for me. I don't use an alarm, I just wake up 6 hours after I go to bed......usually no trouble falling asleep........

jasen Level 8 Mar 26, 2018



I would much prefer to be a night owl but my boss thinks I should be at work at 8.


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