Just how extreme can some Christians be? I was actually surprised by some of Matt Shea's extreme beliefs. Shea is a state legislator from Spokane Valley, WA (eastern part of tne state) and is apparently popular enough to have won reelecton with 58% of the vote. Some of his views are extreme enough to rival those of ISIS in the Middle East including killing non-believers.
Can he be impeached? There MUST be a way to get him ousted!
I don't know what the rules are for removing an elected state representative in Washington state. I imagine he has the right of freedom of thought even if most people would find his thoughts repugnant.
@RussRAB You're right, of course, and as long as he only THINKS this shit...but...one little instance of putting it into action....
@LucyLoohoo - That's the problem. When he finally does put it into action, lots of people could be harmed. I don't know what the answer is especially when he has enough support to win elections.
@RussRAB He needs to be on a ''watch list''---otherwise, he's likely to stealthily install his ideas/people into offices where they shouldn't be allowed.
@LucyLoohoo - Sounds like a decent solution.
Yep. Christians believe in non violence. Except against non believers. Nice religion ya got there.
So, what is the difference between this guy and a Muslim cleric saying the same thing? They are both terrorists.