I'm hitting about a thousand per day. Does that mean I'm spending too much time on here??
I have to confess that, since reaching Level 7, I've found myself becoming a lot more aware of points and eager to get to L8 which surprised me, because previously it wasn't something I didn't think about. Therefore, I've delieberately not worked out how many points I average in a day so that I don't become obsessed!
There is no spending too much time on here if you enjoy it. I don't count them myself.
Only 1000?
What?!? I need to up my game??
Depends on which group you're spending them
There are worse social media sites out there to be spending too much time on. I've given up all other sites. This is my only besides liking my grandkids pictures on Facebook.
I keep up an agnostic/atheist page of fb but that's about it