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There are three things that “Morality” does to corrupt humanity.

  1. It turns us away from reason and empathy
  2. It turns wrong into right (it’s okay to kill if it’s for our cause), and right into wrong (sexuality, women’s health, tolerance, reason&hellip😉
  3. It keeps us ‘willfully’ ignorant because knowledge may, at some point, conflict with those morals
Benthoven 8 Nov 20

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I think you are conflating "morals" with a "belief system". Belief systems do all 3 of these things as a means of survival and self perpetuation.


Your Point #3 is the real back story to Eve eating of the tree of knowledge, something her creator would never allow.


Ok, i think i see where you're going with this.

I agree that the establishment of a 'moral code' or an absolute view of morality is exactly as you have said. It stops us from thinking about the effects of our actions and lets us chalk it up to 'good', and makes it easy to demonize something without trying to understand the perspective.

It is easy, even for non-religious people to say, it is good to help the poor (tired example, i know) without thinking that you may just be helping them keep their victim mentality by doing so.

Well played, sir.


Well thought out my friend, i can feel that current of ideaology as well


You’re talking about religious morality which for a good part of Christians isn’t morality at all. In my opinion there is a whole lot more immorality in the Bible than there is morality. Fundamentalists equate the Bible with morality thus we get what you are talking about. Ethics and morals are real though and the fact that we can point out so many places in the Bible where it is immoral gives us a good starting point for debate. Slavery is a great example because the Bible never condemns it but actually justifies it. Secular nations tend to be more moral than the highly religious.

gearl Level 8 Nov 21, 2017

You're confusing morality with religion.


Morality isn’t the corrupter. Morality wedded to divinity is a corrupter.


Being moral is being reasonable. Is it reasonable to harvest a person for his organs just because 5 other people can use them? No, it's not. Yes, morality is subjective in the sense that we decide what is right and wrong, we've gotten it wrong a lot and still do st times. People being willfully ignorant can and does occur but there are worse reasons for it than morality.


I don't know what in the hell you call morality, but it damned surely is not what I believe morality to be. Frist, morality is acting to help people and choosing not to hurt people. What morality conflicts with is greed, self-indulgence at the expense of others, senseless violence, dishonesty, egomaniacal behavior, dishonesty, etc.

What is bad is not morality, but depicting morality to be what it is NOT! Simply put, you are way the hell off base!


Dictionary definition: moral | ?m?r(?)l |
1 concerned with the principles of right and wrong behaviour

It is a process which when it goes wrong causes you to turn you away from your 1. reason and empathy.

Thus it goes badly causes your 2. to occur

The refusal to conduct the process properly leads to 3.

Do you think that there is a subjective element to morality or is it purely objective?

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