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Your New Year traditions?

How do you ring in the New Year? I'd like to hear from you.

Have a Happy New Year, friends!

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dayII 6 Dec 31

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There will be fireworks downtown. I might go down there and watch them. Or, if I walk two blocks I can see them from here.


Zee Row 😀

Varn Level 8 Dec 31, 2019

Been through enough of these to know it's just another day with more dreamy eyed wishes that probably won't happen or will happen but not in a good way (like 2016). It's become boring and not a big deal.


Finger foods with the family all of NYE, then corned beef NYD. No alcohol needed, no driving when the drunks do. Cannot usually watch the ball drop as we don’t get TV. We’ll put on our music, count down and get loud when the time comes. (:

Zster Level 8 Dec 31, 2019

I've done everything listed even tried to make it to Times Square a few years ago but gave up at Washington Circle. Everything was fun when I was with good people.


Hanging out with good friends, having some adult drinks and talking smart. Cheers!


Go to bed and wait for nothing new to happen tomorrow!

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