Gee who could have seen that coming?
5 countries complied until TrumpOLINI pulled out first .....he was elected by 31 states because he murdered far fewer people than BILLARY's 50 thousand dead Libyan women and children he is closing in on her body counts in Yemen Iraq Pakistan Syria Ukraine Palestine Bolivia Venezuela....TrumpOLINI should be jailed at the International Criminal Court @ The Hague with all other USA war criminals
@altschmerz the 1st ethical precept in human history is DO NOT MURDER ....morality which is purely a religious tradition allows for many murderous activities....the bible is full of instructions to murder, violent abortions and rape of virgins as a reward for the gawdly killing&"ripping up the bellies of pregnant women " you correctly declared .....TrumpOLINI ordered his first drone murders of Yemeni January 2017.....just a week in office he killed for his rich Saudi co-criminals