I like coffee but only before noon. Some of the best coffee I've had was at Nordstrom's Cafe and First Watch...delicious.
Do you have a favorite coffee, and do you take cream and/or sugar?
I am fine with basic grocery store French Roast, brewed aboard, in a French press with either milk or half and half. A major pet peeve of mine is all of the people parading out of Starbucks every morning with their disposable, not recyclable, cups and plastic lids.
French vanilla coffee with french vanilla cream...
I do have a favourite type of coffee, it has a taste full of different notes and can be found mainly on the Wirral (at Reubens for example), but Bear in Derby and a few other places have ones with similar notes in. I find most mainstream coffees quite flat and tasteless in comparison, and when they kill it by putting boiling water on top I feel like I’m in a bad place. Just a spoonful of honey or sugar for me
and I’m on a one a day limit again.
Tanzanian Pea Berry. I buy it warm from the roaster.
Tell me about this Tanzanian Pea Berry. What is it and how do you get it warm?
Though I've never really looked, I don't know if there is a coffee roaster in south Florida...mind you, I'm from Seattle. LOL
@MoonGazer they roast it where I buy it. We have coffee roasters all over town. The beans are smaller and rounder than the usual. Good coffee is one thing I had even when I was desperately poor
Cream and sugar - I can survive with whole milk and sugar but that's where I draw the line!
I did some terrible vending machine coffee in my college days pulling double shifts working as a security guard - I'll never drink bad coffee again! (Gees I think I just had a Scarlett O'Hara moment?).
Robusta peaberry with cream
Again with the Pea Berry...another posted about getting it warm from the roster. Is this a regional thing?
@MoonGazer nah its just really tasty. I hope you get to try it some time.
I'm not much of a coffee snob. I'm more concerned about ones that are horrible than favorites. I prefer creamer and sugar... at least sugar... black if there's absolutely no kind of creamer or sweetener. I've used all kinds of different stuff for sweetener, as long as it was sweet. I hate running out of sugar.
Black only. Anything but Starbucks. There is a reason they put ice cream, whipping cream, bananas, cherries, and whatever else they find in the kitchen to throw in their coffee. To make coffee taste that bad they must filter it through an old sock with the foot still in it..
I don't know what it is about Starbucks, often the coffee tastes burnt. I like the Veranda and their spinach wrap...they're good in a pinch.
I never looked at it that way but, you're right, it does appear that the big sellers are the fraps, and other calorie loaded drinks that mask any coffee flavor. Honestly, I think I've had two of those in my life. Gimme my coffee! Hahaha