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LINK FBI Fears That Investigating White Supremacist Terrorism Will Anger POTUS

You really gotta wonder why they could think that.... even if it is pretty obvious.

When Clinton left office he stressed to the incoming administration that Muslim terrorists was the number one threat. The firs meeting about terrorism the Bush Administration had was on Sept. 10ths.and because they ignored a known terrorist threat 9-11 happened. I really should not have to say any more.

snytiger6 9 Feb 2

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If FBI are unable to investigate internal crime because if the sensitivities of a sub normal narcissist then USA may as well bring on Gestapo and Stasi now.

Let’s make a comedy musical about them because from here on in the country is fucked and you may as well have a last good laugh at it before all freedom and sense of morality is removed.


Of course. They are a huge part of his base.

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