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Why atheists feel sadness in religious surroundings?

Hamesha 3 Nov 21

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Sadness? I often feel relief! Every church has a public restroom and they are usually pretty clean too.


Maybe when they are isolated among religious people, they feel sad.


Sadness is not a word I would use when I go cavorting among the religiously endowed. Amused? Definitely. Bemused? Sometimes. Angry? Occasionally. Incredulous? Always. Sad? Never.

Once in a while I'll get a pang of pity for the children. They deserve better.

Sad? Nah.


I often find it amusing (and probably feel a teensy bit smug), but if doesn't sadden me or otherwise upset me. People are free to believe whatever they want, so long as they aren't using government to promote a faith-based ideology (e.g., teaching kids unscientific things in a public school science classroom).


I do not feel sad ,I feel bored and can not believe the people around me can believe this nonsense


Depending on the situation, I have felt many emotions in religious surroundings, but sadness was never one of them.


Do they? Can't an atheist have a blast at a Christmas party? Go on an Easter Egg hunt?

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