Somebody might have been more afraid of clowns than Jesus.
The protesters are totally missing the point of the art. It isn't criticizing Christianity anyway; it's criticizing the "worship of Mammon" as idolatrous. It's an attack on the superficial consumerist culture propagated by capitalism. It isn't saying that Jesus is Ronald McDonald. It's saying that our culture worships at the altar of McDonald's. It is really silly for Christians to protest an attack upon idolatry.
Well, religious persons are not know for thinking critically....
I thought Mammon related to clothing, but yes, get your point.
I can't believe they would do something like that. Do they know what Ronald McDonald means to Americans? I'm shocked.Next it will be Jack,,,,,,from Jack in the Box......on a cross.
I actually AM more afraid of clowns than I am of Jesus.
Strangely, being more afraid of clowns than Jesus is actually much more ratio9nal.
@snytiger6 yes, especially after those scary clown pranksters and the new Joker movie. Very scary. A peace loving guy giving his own life, it would be like being scared of Gandhi.
@girlwithsmiles Still haven't seen Joker. Mom and dad took me to a circus as a kid and the clowns never really sat right with me. Jack Nicholsons Joker pretty much cemented my anti-clownness. It's my favorite Batman movie now, but for an 8 year old.....?
@JayOleck38 I found the new one disturbing as a grown up, especially as I could see the trap and just wanted them to get out at one point! Oh well, looks like it's 12 certificates for me from now on!