I read books, take walks (listening tod an audio book) and ride my bike. Still, Netflix is always there. And chatting on the computer, of course.
If I lived in near you, I wouldn't mind watching stuff with you. I think. I dunno, though. I'm so picky about what I watch, maybe not.
I've been single since 2010 and have gotten spoiled.
I have been single over 5 years. I'm getting used to it too.
Have you considered joining Yelp and going to UYEs? Or meetup.com?
I have no idea what any of that is lol
I've been single for almost 4 years. 2 years ago I decided to get out and date. After dating a very beautiful and shapely woman that was a bible belt person / hypocrite, a walking commercial for most corporations and a person that spoke in the terms of popular songs, sound bites and cliché sayings, I decided dating was not an option for me in the south lol and I became very happy being a non alcoholic sane person living an informed, simply and peace existence while searching for knowledge. When you look at the options of dating, as an atheist, in a religiously controlled state where everyone is forced into religious indoctrination as helpless, gullible and defenseless children you see a very grim outlook. All you can find is the religious or troublemakers and conflicted people who are going against their religious beliefs but are still deeply controlled by it and still have fear of their religious fantasies. I’m not giving up on relationships. I’m just giving up on the most difficult and impossible ones that involve interfering imagined deities. I know there are smart people out there that either avoided religion or escaped its indoctrination like I did and there is always a chance that we might meet. With that said I love the documentaries on Netflix about nature, space and science and some of their orginals like the Trailer Park boys which is about people that look and act like some of the crazies I've known in the south minus the weed.