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Too many posts? Man lashes out at me.

In his reply, a guy lashed out at me for my post, What do you think of backward ball caps on older men?

His user name has "bastard" in it. Apt. He called me a man-hater. Criticized me for writing too many posts. Called me "mean, narcissistic" and other nasty names I forgot.

I wrote him a message before blocking him. Unfortunately, I wasn't very nice:

"I reported and blocked you because you lashed out at me in my post about older men in backwards caps. Insulting members is against community guidelines.

"You criticized me for writing too many posts. Unlike you, I have 188 followers. You have none. I have 2,099 fans. You have none. Case closed.

"Many people say they love my posts and pictures.

"Stop being so defensive and mean."

Your thoughts?

LiterateHiker 9 Feb 27

Enjoy being online again!

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Well, I enjoy your posts. I also do not think from following you that you are a man hater,.
Add to this, you're a 'babe'. More than that you are evidently a vibrant and intelligent human being who enriches my life for the better.
Tony xx

Dear Tony,

Thank you for your kind words. I appreciate you.


He is probably still muttering to himself. Good for you.

And just curious: How many words did he misspell?


Thank you.

I counted four misspelled words in his insulting rant. Trumper?

@LiterateHiker He may or may not be a trumpie, although self-identifying as conservative correlates with a lower IQ. Regardless, this guy seemed to have issues. Like instead of trying to land a date with a woman, he ought to buy a dog. He needs someone he can tell what to do and not have them point out that he is an idiot 🙂


I always enjoy your posts and appreciate your photos from your hikes. Your stories are very well written and along with the photos paint a good mental picture of the mountains and scenery that you write about. Please keep them coming. I also enjoy reading about the things that you make. No complaints from me.


He always has the capacity to just scroll on by. I don't understand engaging with people that way on the internetpl unless he wanted to start an argument. And I like your posts!


You're right: he could scroll past my posts. Glad you like my posts.

@MissKathleen I ignore a lot unless personally directed at me.


You obviously hurt his sensitive feelings.
I therefore welcome you to the "Blue Meanies" as a charter member. 🥂😁


Just wondering why you were holding a gun to his head forcing him to read your posts. Oh, yeah, he made the choice to read them. Sometimes even I scroll down past a few posts but hey, that's my choice, and scrolling is not that difficult. A couple of flowers for you.


Love your sense of humor. Thanks for the beautiful flowers.!


He's a asshole block him

bobwjr Level 10 Feb 27, 2020


Thank you. I thought "Case closed" was funny.

His username with "bastard" fits him.

@LiterateHiker anytime


I agree with your opinion on caps being worn backwards, unless there is powerful sunshine and the wearer needs to protect the back of his neck. This is rare. Beery men who think it is a badge of honour to wear a cap the wrong way round are usually halfwits.


Should have asked him how many is too many? If it got posted it has not exceeded any capacity ( so you have not exceeded too many in agnostic standards). If too many for him to read, it is not against the law for him to refrain from reading all of it if it is too many for him. We are all here voluntarily...if it causes so much grief to him....maybe as the kids say now...he should " tap out". Keep on posting sister..until cuts you is not too many 😉
Hope you addressed him by his name. Since he chose it you would not be really calling him a derogatory name.


Just keep being true to your own path, One does not know what was happening in this persons life that triggered him ,You can not please all the people all the time and one should not even try .But one can definitely block abusive people and just go next,, but sometimes it is hard not to take things personal. Sending you a warm hug


Thank you, Roy. I appreciate your kind words and support.


You write a lot of posts, but what is many? Maybe he is jealous and projecting because he can't write good posts.


Thank you, Ed. I appreciate your insight and support.


Always stand up to bullies;good job


Thank you, Wayne.

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