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Fear and Friendship

Recent maybe a month and a half ago I made a new friend. She's an amazing person who's very compassionate and loving to people and the world itself. History, art, culture, and many more things but there is a wall being built between her, her interest and I. Her parents maybe a year ago became Jehovah witness, seeking a religious solution for problems that had come to the household.
her parents are slowly pulling her into meetings all the while convinced her to go to training. I , as basically just a new friend, have far less influence when trying to open her eyes to things. As she becomes more of a religious person I am starting to fear for our friendship.

Tre98th 4 Nov 22

Enjoy being online again!

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It is what it is. Be yourself. If she wants to be with you, she will.


It might test the bounds of your friendship-might make it stronger-support her if she asks for it.

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