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Position Vacant: BENEVOLENT DICTATOR. 100% of all people on the planet are tired of Politics, Wars, Corruption, Greed, Media . . . you get the picture. All people have suddenly realised you are the wisest person on the planet by far; plus honest, trustworthy, and no hidden agendas. You have total control for the next 25 years - more or less if you like. You will never have to justify or explain any decision, likewise you will never be held to account. I spent many years reading and analyzing the DUNE series of Frank Herbert, still do. I very much like "deep and meaningfuls" and prefer exchanging ideas and points of view, rather than rhetorical questioning, and hypothetical situations.
This is the one exception, a hypothetical position of Benevolent Dictator. This is the first time print. In practice it has sometimes raised very interesting ideas. Some BD's appointed specific experts to advise; another maintained a democratic voting system, but with a sliding scale of voter value ie 1 to 10. A memorable example of instant 'decree' was a teacher in her early 60's who said as a BD she would give all male babies a reversible vasectomy at birth. I've got a few, more later.

Leto3 4 Nov 22

Enjoy being online again!

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Your question is a fantasized pipe-dream. "Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely." I will always oppose the idea of a dictator of any type or ilk!


In my opinion...A Benevolent Dictator may do well for a short period of time. Human beings are susceptible to flaws in character and I believe wholeheartedly that "Power Corrupts and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely". A dictator has absolute power. I would not apply for the job.

Betty Level 8 Nov 22, 2017

@Leto3 I mostly agree with you. I think this question parallels King Soloman.

I don't believe anyone could sustain fairness over time. There would always be people around who "brown nose" and those offering bits of gossip and advice. There would always be needs and complaints ( not fast enough, not good enough) some believing they deserve more than others and eventually, a ruler would retaliate.

Then I believe there would come a time the ruler would believe they were entitled and that would lead to abuse of power.

All humans are susceptible to flaws its part of being human. Some may be able to resist longer than others but eventually.....

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