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What weird food combinations do you enjoy?

Mea 7 Mar 30

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Hamburgers and fries?


Beer and....... what was the question?


My nephew used to like steamed white rice with ketchup on it. I like my steamed white rice with cheese and ranch.


Pineapple on pizzas and burgers. To me, the most obvious connection in the world. But apparently I am devil spawn according to some people. <shrugs> No accounting for taste.

@SweetHarp Confessional. There's a great little hole in the wall pizzeria here in Canberra. They have a proper wood fired pizza oven, fantastic crust. But they absolutely refuse to use pineapple as a topping. So I just drop into the local shop around the corner and buy a tin of pineapple. Yes, I am a monster 🙂

@SweetHarp You make your own fun in Canberra...


Shredded carrots, mixed with peanut butter, preferably chunky then stuffed in half a bell pepper. First time I heard of it I thought, "EWWW!" but I tried it and it is a surprisingly tasty combo.


My friend Amy grew up eating cornbread crumbled in milk.

My Grandpa was from the South and Had that about every day for his Lunch.


When i was 22 my best friend dared me to make a tuna salad sandwich using blueberry eggo waffles as the bread. I liked it. I've never eaten it again...But i liked it.


When I was in high school, a school-wide loved dish was french fries and gravy. We also would dip them in mayo and ketchup mixed together.

LizL Level 5 Mar 31, 2018

I was a big fan of french fries with gravy when I was younger, and mayo mixed with ketchup is sounding close to thousand island dressing.


Overcooked bacon with raw alfalfa sprouts and tomato sauce (ketchup?) on flat bread.


I'd forgotten all about sugar sandwiches with butter...thank you! I want one now!

I completely forgot about those. My mother would make them for me for my school lunches.


Vinegar on French fries
Chili on rice
Chicken and gravy on waffles
Hot sauce on eggs

JimG Level 8 Mar 30, 2018
4 my beer.


Grilled cheese and pickles.


So this is totally poor people food, but I don't care, I was poor, and it worked! Lol we used 2 make chicken or pork top ramen, with tuna and egg. Don't knock it till ya try it 🙂

Byrd Level 7 Mar 31, 2018

Some of the tastiest food on the planet is simple and inexpensive.


French fries with lemon juice. Yum.

This a bit odd to me at first, but when I think more about it, the salty and sour combo sounds appealing, similar to fries with malt vinegar.

Only better!


Snickers and potato chips.


Tabasco Sauce is delicious in some beers. It doesn't taste the way you would expect it to. It tastes and goes down smooth, and then the warmth hits in the finish--and on your lips. They don't call me hot-lips for nothing. 🙂

For the beer purists and snobs out there, don't worry, there are numerous brews that are best left unadulterated.


The linty crust accrued from many neglectful years of misuse drizzled in the condensed milk of insomnolent solitude.


peanut butter and bacon on toast


Butter + Lea & Perrins Worcestershire sauce on Hot Dogs.


Red wine and sweet green tea.

Salsa and deep-fried pork rinds. They snap, crackle and pop. And it is like meat & vegetables.

Parmesan cheese on my tofu and kale scramble.

Sunflower seeds or pine nuts in macaroni salad.

Sardines in tomato or mustard sauce mixed in macaroni salad.

Nutritional shake (like Ensure) in place of creamer in coffee.

Bovril or Vegemite on toast. This will not be weird to those of you from the UK.

Thai Spicy Peanut Sauce on almost anything! Eggs, sub sandwiches, potato salad, anywhere you might use ketchup.

Nori in soups.

Parmesan cheese on tofu and kale scramble sounds goooood!

Couldn't get up the nerve to try Vegemite. Couldn't get past the smell.

@Lincoln16 ?


Smashed potatoes with applesauce is always a good choice.

I like mashed potatoes and saurkraut when that opportunity occurs

gotta try that i know apples and potatoes go well in curry so what the hello

Anything is good in curry markdevenish. Now you are giving me ideas.....


Sardines and pesto in a toasted sandwich was a favourite before I stopped eating fish.

Jnei Level 8 Mar 30, 2018

@pthomas59 I don't even think it's weird, but most people do when I tell them.

@MrLizard I used to like them so long as they were boneless - there's something about vertebrae in my food which I find rather off-putting!

whenever i go to the med all i eat is sardines but i get where you're coming from


I once went to an Italian/Asian fusion restaurant in Marina Del Rey California called "Rice Man". I had some spagetti liek noodeles with a creamy wasabe sauce, which ws fantastic.

They didn't survive, partly because they were a bit pricey and partly because their menu was too unusual for people to frequent it often enough. Still more than 15 years later, I still remember how wonderful that meal was.


Vanilla ice cream and bacon.


I can mix pretty much anything as long as one doesn't overpower the other. In my lifetime there were many occasions where what was left in the cupboards and freezer was dinner. So in order to fill the bellies, random things were put together and that was dinner.

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