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What type of music do you like? Or do you play an instrument?

Abigail96 5 Nov 22

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I play Blues, Funk percussion. I love all types of music. It is universal, meaning it exsists every where in the universe where math applies. Just like electrisity and magnatism are related so it is with math and music. For me life without music would mean a lot less. People come and go, but music is my true companion .


Rock, metal, and I play guitar. Poorly, but I still play it, loudly!


I listen to almost anything really. I've always been a huge Beatles fan. I play guitar and sing. I have a recording studio in my basement. Here's a cover of the Foo Fighters "Learn to Fly" that I did with my son. He played bass and drums while I did the vocals and the guitar work on it.


Duke Level 8 Dec 19, 2017

I like virtually all types of music, but the genres that really get me interested are punk rock and early jazz. My favorite jazz artists include Louis Armstrong, Coleman Hawkins, Benny Goodman, Jellyroll Morton, Earl Hines, Lena Horne, and Lionel Hampton. As far as punk goes, my favorites almost all come from Southern California. Among them are the Dickies, the Weirdos, the Crowd, the Dils, and TSOL. I swear I could go on listing bands forever.

d_day Level 7 Nov 25, 2017

I'm a trumpeter. I used to play on Cruise ships. Before that I taught all brass instruments and music Theory. I have a BA(hons) in music. Now, I play as a hobby whilst I look after my Grandad, who has Alzheimer's disease. I don't play nearly as much as I would like to or Should be, but I have a day-job which, alongside the caring, doesn't allow me enough time to play/practice.

As for listening to music, I have such a varied catalogue of music there's to much to list. I particularly like Jazz, blues, Soul, Funk etc. but often listen to classical, baroque, renaissance etc. I've recorded with orchestras, brass bands, Jazz bands, Folk bands (on Trombone and Tuba) and am always keen to play for any event.


I can basically play such fipple flutes as the tin whistle , and to a more limited extent the piano . As to my most favorite types of music , it varies . Like probably many agnostics/atheists I have a thing for certain sub-genres of heavy metal . However , much more untypically of irreligious people I believe , I also really like such country/folk music as "red dirt" [] . And also , even the metal I most enjoy tends to be folk metal [] .


I started playing and writing music (guitar, bass, drums, piano) at 16 and it has so far remained my favorite, consistant passion.

My musical taste is so broad and varied that I'd rather list the genres I'm not so fond of because, well, that would be a much shorter list!

I, too, am a huge Dylan fan. He has been very influential to me, musically and beyond.

I know it must be quite difficult to select a favorite Dylan song but what's yours? Mine is "It's alright ma, I'm only bleeding".

In fact, I am going to play it right now!

I like to describe his voice as unique, iconic and immediately identifiable. When listening to his music, there's never a question as to who it is.

I saw him years ago with Willie Nelson in Houston. It was awesome.

So, do you have a favorite Dylan song?


I play Woodwind (Recorder/Flute/Oboe and Clarinet. I also teach musical theory. I enjoy listening to Baroque and Romantic period music. And I appreciate well written modern songs. At my age (72) , playing musical instruments keeps the 'grey matter' active.


Been spinning a lot of Steven Wilson's stuff these days. All of his projects from his solo work on to his band projects: Porcupine Tree, Blackfield, No Man, Storm Corrosion, Bass Communion, et. al.

For lighter, more fun stuff I've been jamming out to Low Cut Connie quite a bit these days. Got a chance to meet Adam Weiner briefly at their show here in Denver. Very quiet and unassuming guy. Which is the complete antithesis of his stage persona.


I like all sorts of music, but listen to more punk rock than anything else. I play bass guitar.

What ever happened to punk? All those great bands like The Replacements, The Misfits, The Cramps, The Minutemen, The Dead Boys, S.O.D, Suicidal Tendencies, Social Distortion, The Ramones, The Circle Jerks, The Meatmen, The Vapors, The Damned....

Nobody carried that sound on to the next generation.

I think that for the most part punk evolved . In one direction it gave way to new wave [] , and in the opposite direction hardcore [] .


I don't play an instrument, I like ska, reggae, hip-hop, rock. I like most types of music but these are my favourite styles. Bands I'm listening to now are,
The Undercover Hippy
Will and the people
The Skints
Jack and the Weathermen
The Hilltop Hoods
and many more, listening to music is something I love, prefer this to TV, although like watching movies also.
What about you Abigail, what type of music you into? And what instrument do you play?


I used to play a violin.

Carnatic style..

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