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POLL Democrats start hinting Sanders should drop out

I think He Should drop out!

"The Odds Are NOT In His Favor"

Any Thoughts?

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twshield 8 Mar 12

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Biden may look good in the primary, but that does not translate into a general election win. He must realign at least SOME of his priorities with those favored not only by Democratic voters, but many Republican voters as well. This is the only graph I can find at the moment, but it’s representative of public opinion. Bernie has more leverage to influence Biden’s platform towards these populist policies while he is still in the race. That’s my 2 cents and, as a long-time political campaign manager, consultant, and strategist, I’m sticking by it.

@twshield I didn't say anything about Bernie catching up / chance to win the primary. I said that as a candidate he has more leverage to influence Biden to adapt more progressive/populist policies that the majority of Americans support (and that Biden currently does not support). I think Biden would have a better chance of beating Trump if he adapted some of these positions.

@twshield You asked if Bernie should drop out. I gave you my answer and my rationale. The public wants universal healthcare/Medicare for All or some other undefined delivery vehicle, You don't. Fine. Saying "Old people don't won't want Medicare..." is subjective and not aligned with any polling from any source.

@twshield Again, you're off topic, debating our healthcare system. My point is Bernie should not drop out to allow airing of policies supported by Bernie and a majority of Americans that Biden does not support.

@twshield There’s a big difference between electoral politics and public opinion for a hundred reasons, one being media portrayal of candidates and their policy positions. I posted one poll as an example of public opinion. You asked for an opinion on whether Bernie should stay or drop. I responded, now you’re arguing about M4All. You don’t like it, your prerogative. You think Bernie should drop, your prerogative. I disagree and I stated why, providing a poll to support my position.

@twshield I see your poll favors Bernie staying in by a 2:1 ratio. Too bad it doesn’t translate to delegates 😂

@twshield Mitch is a nightmare for sure.


I wish he would and use it to force Joe to the left and help gain his supporters.

MsAl Level 8 Mar 12, 2020

If this comes down to splitting the dem vote we will be stuck with Drumpf forever.


Drop out?

This should not have even begun:

  1. Bernie should have retired from the Senate a long time ago
  2. Bernie should not have entered since 2016 in the first place
  3. Bernie's presidential run is about his selfish ambition to be president and not about his issues. If it was, anybody could tell him that he was not a presidential material
  4. Bernie could have done more good by starting a think tank, supporting new, young progressive candidates by appealing to older and long time members of Congress, supporting term limits and so on. But he did not.

We all know now, American voters have spoken for the second time now that.... Bernie is not Presidential material. He is a laughing stock. He should stop asking for money from people and wasting it. People are tired of Bernie and his wacky hands up in the air style. We want him out.

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