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What constitutes a 'healthy' society & is it attainable?

Is your society 'sick'?

atheist 8 Mar 31

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Well that is a big question isn’t it? Are we talking about the environmental, social, ecological, political, economic, biological conditions of our existence? If I was going to vote on such an issue I would consider it a health society in which the conditions exist that would allow and promote the continued wellbeing and development of all current and future life on the planet. Is this possible? Probably not because I believe environment limitations lead to the eventual end; quite naturally and inevitability.


healthy society is where there is no ignorance or lack of it is that possible

Rosh Level 7 Mar 31, 2018

A shit load fewer humans. everyone getting what they need and not what they want and everyone working towards a common goal. but enough about fairy tails as we will never do any of this by choice.

like I said enough about fairy tails. I was talking about by choice, not force. sounds more like an ant nest to me.


A healthy society is one that is open to change, but also carefully analytical about what the effects of such change could be. It is one which has concern for ALL of its people, one which treats all with dignity and respect, which provides real opportunities for growth and learning and encourages people to take advantage of those opportunities. It emphasizes learning and the application of that learning to improve the society. It encourages the seeking out of problems and focused attempts to solve those problems. It emphaizes taking care of our natural environment and the seeking of ecological health.

@atheist Right on!


To me a healthy society is one where the needs of the people are met (health care, food, education, etc.)! To do that we will have to move away from our current way of partison politics where only one side can "Win"! We the people need to start working forward on acceptence of all people and I think that will only happen when religion is given up as the so called moral base for society.

BillF Level 7 Mar 31, 2018

I would think a healthy society respects its citizens without discrimination of race, religion, ethnicity, LGBTQ status, age, and disability. Close to a Utopia where everyone lived together in harmony with little conflict, not the hateful, divisive world, particularly the United States with trump's MAGA.


As I attempt to determine what constitutes a healthy sociaty I’m forced to conclude it is unobtainable. Best we could hope for is healthier... more people accepting reality, more kindness, more working to achieve universally beneficial goals, less bigotry, greed & power grabbing to the detriment of the people, animals and the planet. Getting the GOP out of Washington would be a good start.


I think a healthy society is one that uses resources well, and where the majority of people are happy.

@atheist I too doubt it will ever happen in our lifetime... at least to a point where you'dhave to really search to find societal dysfunction. Still, it is an ideal to shoot for. When faced with choices and a direction for society to take, I'd liek to see man shoot for the ideal instead of just taking a quick profit.

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