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Anyone else wondering what Trump is up to behind the scenes?

He does love a good distraction...
Like how he muses that a war would get him elected again. Or tweets cofefe while dismantling the EPA.

I think he finally figured out the other day that this is the ultimate disrtaction rather than a hoax against him.

MsAl 8 Mar 15

Enjoy being online again!

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He and his ilk have all kinds of ideas of how to take over the nation. This if we are not careful will come to help him take control and halt the next election. He is a total idiot but he has really smart people behind the scenes pulling the strings.


The curtain's been pulled back … perhaps by a tiny virus..

Varn Level 8 Mar 15, 2020

I hope he's holding a gun to his head.

I think he's drooling over the prospect of Marsial law and dismantalling the EPA and who knows what while no one is looking.

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