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Though Russian culture and politics are, well ... unique, manipulation using religion/ideology is to be found worldwide, especially by authoritarian governments. It WAS a Russian, however, who nailed this relationship in a little book written about 100 years ago: “God and the State,” by Mikhail Bakunin, a leader in both the atheist and anarchist movements of his day.


Even under communism, the church elders received a paycheck.


I'm sorry. I thought the title said, "tranny"........I'll leave now..............


The Russian Orthodox Church has always supported tyranny in Russia - from he czars, to the Bolsheviks, to today's corrupt oligarchic authoritarianism.


Not much different than Evangelicals and Trump.

@Novelty I agree, but the problem is that you cannot get Trumpers to see this. They keep thinking there is something magical about this man and to prove it they start talking about someone else.

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