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Worth keeping in mind, with the usual caveats, such as avoiding the mentality of "I can still smell things, so I know I don't have it"

Very good point.


I read that as well...peculiar...

Yes, but if it's heeded it could prevent a lot of deaths. Whether it's a real symptom or not, I don't think acting on it would hurt anything.

@bingst very true.. it is also said that with Alzheimers disease those 2 symptons also can appear.

People over 60&70 lose keen smelling abilities....this is why the elderly often are smelled using too much perfume or colonge to approximate the memory of smell many years from before

@AmmaRE007 it is sad when we age we are more vulnerable in many ways....this is why it is important for couples to aid each other where singles suffer alone un aided

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