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LINK Does relativity lie at the source of quantum exoticism?

Great Article on an exciting possibility!

"In the article "The Quantum Principle of Relativity," published in the New Journal of Physics, they prove that the features of quantum mechanics determining its uniqueness and its non-intuitive exoticism—accepted, what's more, on faith (as axioms)—can be explained within the framework of the special theory of relativity. One only has to decide on a certain rather unorthodox step."

TheMiddleWay 8 Apr 2

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Does my dog listen to me when I talk to him? HUH?


Sci fi again.

@TheMiddleWay Space-time is sci fi.
The New Journal of Physics is more about logic than physics.

@TheMiddleWay Math is a form of logic so the Journal is more about math than physics, and math is not physics. Are you happier with that?
So you use space-time in kinematics all the way to the standard model, etc?
Well wake up; the standard model is untested and untestable. It too is sci fi and when governments stop giving it billions of taxpayers’ dollars, euros, etc even you will know it.

@TheMiddleWay Quit the BS!


Interesting; although, no doubt my understanding is limited. That it links relativity with quantum mechanics is exciting. Three time dimensions is bizarre, like features of QM.

I didn't understand if their mathematical work was complete or unfinished, nor whether they can make predictions to be verified by experiments. Although, they did mention agreement with observations already made.

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