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LINK How YouTube’s DISASTROUS New Change is Hurting Creators - YouTube

Since Google took over youtube, changes have been made that limit progressive news. When you click a subscription you already have set up, there are two bells. Click the one below the banner. When you subscribe, the bell is next to the subscribe button.

EdEarl 8 Apr 1

Enjoy being online again!

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That is very strange, You-Tube wants to weed out all the "little people' in favor of bigger fishes! I noticed a change in the panel for the selections that I wanted to see. I doubt that I will spend much time with you-tube, anyway!

Youtube is being driven by corporate advertisers, like all the news outlets. There are still many small outfits on youtube that are viewer supported, but you must click the bell to see all.

@EdEarl maybe that is the part I wasn't clear on...I get some things in 'piece-meal'...

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