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If Health insurance changes more for smokers because of the extra health risk, shouldn’t the also charge more for church goers during a pandemic?

Jk1960 7 Apr 10

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You would not be able to discriminate against church-goers with health insurance, even with discounts during a pandemic, because they could and would sue the insurance company claiming they were discriminated against based on their religion.


except insurance companies don't charge more... they offer a discount to people who prove they don't smoke. so people who can prove they don't go to church, are lower risk and should get a discount? and don't live with anyone who does (big difference between direct behaviors like soking, and contagious things like a virus)?

the problem is, there are lots of studies that show people who have social networks including church, and have spiritual beliefs that help them "get through" an illness, are more likely to recover and live longer lives.

theres lots of work to be done, to show how health can be connected to not-going-to-church.

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