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We are not overestimating, we are underestimating

Despite what some people claim, I think the official death toll is far too low. Per MS Bing, a pretty good data repository, the world passed 100k deaths today (Friday April 10th). That includes over 4k reported deaths from Iran but a few hundred in Iraq. A combined total of less than a fourth of the deaths in Germany in Poland, Belarus, Romania, and the Ukraine combined. A handful of deaths in Russia. Its pretty clear that deaths are not being reported in many countries. In the end, is it important? Each person is free to decide that for themselves, but its clear that death counts are not being inflated.

MarkiusMahamius 7 Apr 10

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Even in the UK the figures are probably on the low side, because the government is only counting those who die in hospital, those who die at home or in care homes for the elderly, are not being added to the list.

While what is happening in many under developed countries, even some like India who admit that they don't even know how many people they have living in the country, is anybodies guess.


Given how many homeless people we have in this country, many of whom are likely to be infected, it's likely we'll never know just how high the numbers are here.

id bet we will have a pretty good guess since most deaths will still be counted, and once we finally have better antibody testing, we will be able to extrapolate how many people were infected and lived. It will be a while though.

It amazes me to hear from people who think the death count is being exaggerated

@MarkiusMahamius The ability of human beings to remain ignorant NEVER fails to amaze me. Just the other day, I saw a clip of Fox News with their token black people, Diamond and Silk, spouting off this nonsense. No doubt their audience is lapping it up like goddamn kittens.

@MarkiusMahamius One problem is that not every death due to pneumonia is being tested, many of which could be COVID-19 in origin.

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